Our second article about our product was presented at the International IEEE Conference on Technologies for Sustainability (SusTech). It was the 9th edition of this conference and was online organized due to pandemic situation.
The conference fields of interest was about the technologies that drive sustainable infrastructure design and implementation. Such focus area were: Agriculture and Food Technology, Energy Efficiency, Renewable/Alternative Energy, Sustainable Electronics, Internet of Things (IOT) for sustainability, Smart Grid, Smart Cities, Intelligent Transportation Systems, Ecological Sustainability and Conservation, Sustainable Aviation, Sustainable Management, Societal Implications / Quality of Life / Public Policy, eWaste, Ocean Waste & Pollution Management, Water Resources Management.
Link: https://ieee-sustech.org/archives/home-2022/
We successfully shared our presentation with some peers from the domain. There were some interesting questions at the end of the presentation with some ideas for future development.